Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Days

Most of my friends are not teachers, so they think it's crazy that I have a little over two months off. "What are you going to do?" is the question I am most often asked. I want to say, "I'm going to sleep in, wear my pajamas as long as I can, avoid showering, and avoid people in general." Instead I reply responsibly. "I'm going to travel, read some books, go to some teaching workshops, and I've got some creative projects going on."

The truth is actually somewhere in between. The first day of summer (Monday) I came down with a cold. Determined not to let it slow me down, I ran errands until Thursday. Thursday I was laid out flat. On that Thursday I started my addiction to reading blogs and looking at all the creative things that people make on Etsy. I was too sick to leave the house for more than a quick dose of sunshine for four more days. My addiction got serious.

I went to a couple fabric stores before my addiction to Etsy began, and so I started to make some things. I made a cozy for my Blackberry. I made a coin purse. I don't own a sewing machine, so you can imagine how scary my stitching looks after not practicing. They're not very attractive, but hey, I made something! The picture is what I was shooting for, but I came far from it!!!

On Tuesday, my second week of summer, I was well enough to get out. I had signed myself up for a World History Institute on Travel Narratives, so I showed up to Cal State Long Beach with my head still a bit foggy. It was awesome! All week I listened to professors talk about things like the history of sugar, the African slave experience in the Andes, and the religious pilgrimages of Christians compared to those of Islam and Buddhism. Did you know that Gandhi spent over twenty years living outside of India before he became the symbol of its independence movement? Now we know.

I came home and had to order some books to read. I bought A History of the World in Six Glasses. It arrived a couple of days ago, and I am currently learning about beer. Did you know that the Mesopotamians drank beer through a straw? Who knew. I also picked up The Human Web, but I have no idea what it's like. It's longer than I anticipated, so it might be a read that I get to a lot later. I'm also reading One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War. I have to read it for another teacher thing I'm going to in DC in a couple of weeks. So far it's a review of the events leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis. I haven't gotten hooked in yet, so we'll see...

This past Monday, I talked my husband into coming to Costco with me. Low and behold, it was the first time I had ever laid my eyes upon a wii fit in a store. I grabbed it as fast as I could, and looked around to see if others appreciated that Costco actually had these things. It seems as though I was the only one who really cared. My husband just watched me, amused at my grab and run tactics. Nonchalantly, I carried my wii fit proudly through Costco, as we picked a couple of other things that we had decided we "needed". Costco is horrible!!! I walk in there to pick up one or two items, and inevitably walk out with my arms full. I know, I don't have children yet, so I am an ignorant fool. Needless to say, I have been juggling a lot of "responsibilities" this week: wii fit training every day, reading my books, and yes, a new project this week: earrings!!!

Around the corner a new bead shop opened up a month or so ago, and I finally made it inside this week. Some retired ladies? housewives? were buzzing around the store, as they had just gotten out of a bead class of some sort.Two hours later (the ladies had taken over the store!), I happily emerged with supplies, and in between my wii training and reading, I've made some earrings! I need to work on my loops, but I'm excited to wear my new line.

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